
Sprawdzenie Pisowni(gramatyka, interpunkcja,ortografia...), Policzenie słów. Poprawki i sugestje(jeśli coś pokuje w oczy...). 40punktów! Łatwe punkty!
Bardzo dziekuje za każdą odpowiedź i pomoc:) to nie tylko punkty dla ciebie, ale i odrobiona, dobrze zrobiona praca dla mnie :D

-opisz swoje odszucia związane z nadchodzącym wyjazdem do Angli
-przedstaw rodzaj muzyki i filmów jaki lubisz, opowiedz co robisz w wolnym czasie
-zapytaj koleżanke o jej zaintetesowania.

Of course! I'll tell you about myself, but I'm little afraid about travel to the England. I can't stand mind that I will get lost in the city. I'm very scared becouse of that.

Okay, You've asked me what's mine favorite music and movies type. Well, I like modern music. About movies my favourite types are: horror, cryminal movie, action movie. In free time i Cleaning my room, my wardrob and my files on compueter; plaing games and wachting movies on YT.

Well, I've told about my, it's your time. Let tell me somethink about you. I'am very interested what do you like and what do you do.

Okay, that's all. I'm waiting for your message. Bye.

Odpowiedź :

Hey! How have you been? I’m very excited about my trip to England, but I’m a little bit worried. I‘m very scared of the thought that I might get lost in the city.

In your last email, you asked me what my favorite types of music and movies are. When it comes to music, I like modern music, especially indie music. My favorite genres of movies are horror, crime, and action. In my free time, I enjoy cleaning my room, organizing my wardrobe and all of my files on my computer, as well as playing games and watching movies on youtube.

What are your interests and hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have a similar taste in music and movies as me?

I can’t wait for your reply! Have a nice day!

musiałxm prawie wszystko od nowa napisac ale praktycznie ta sama treść jest, 140 słów