Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami , uzupełnij zdania z luką tak , aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego . W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy .

1 How often do they use dictionaries ? ARE
How often ________?
2 They became engineers in 2010. HAVE
They _________2010
3 When did you get a job here ? BEEN How __________ employed here ?
4 You have to speak English at all times in class . HAS English __________ at all times in class .
5 Where do they wrap the gifts ? ARE ? Where_________?
6 The last time I wrote a CV was three years ago . WRITTEN I ___________ a CV for three years.
7 You should hand in the essays now . BE The essays ________ now.

Odpowiedź :




1. How often do they use dictionaries ? ARE

How often are dictionaries used?

2. They became engineers in 2010. HAVE

They have been engineers since 2010.

3. When did you get a job here ? BEEN

How long have you been employed here?

4. You have to speak English at all times in class . HAS

English has to be spoken at all times in class.

5. Where do they wrap the gifts ? ARE ?

Where are the gifts wrapped?

6. The last time I wrote a CV was three years ago . WRITTEN

I haven't written a CV for three years.

7. You should hand in the essays now . BE

The essays should be handed in now.