napisz list: twoi rodzice, kupili dom do którego wkrótce się wprowadzicie. w liście do przyjaciela z stanów poinformuj go o przeprowadzce . opisz swój nowy dom , opisz rzeczy które ci się podobają i które ci się nie podobają w nowym miejscu zamieszkania ( list ma mieć od 50-120 słów)​

Odpowiedź :

Your parents wanted to buy a house, so they did. and you'll be moving in soon. and I decided to write a letter to a friend from the states to inform him with this happy news and you write, hey Elvis is writing because I would like to inform you that I and my parents are moving with my parents to a new house and I am very happy with this information because it will be big a house with several floors, a swimming pool, a large garage, a games room and many others, and when we move, you will be close three times, will you visit us? Best regards, nice and warm ”. I really like about this house that I will have my own large room, games room, lounge with a huge TV and a gigantic garage. but I do not like that my parents have a large bedroom and a large swimming pool and I do not, I also dislike that I have a lot of cleaning and that it is non-residential in the city. Jak są jakieś błędy bardzo przepraszam i pozmieniać troszeczkę bo pisałam ogólnie :)

Hi John!

On saturday I am moving myself to the new home with my parents. They bought it on monday, I'm a little bit scared. My new home is so big, white, clean and georgeus. I love it, because there's pool in it, three bathrooms, two bedrooms and my room is viery big. It has garden with playground and gym too. I don't like my new hause only for that, there is only one kitchen, and my parents love cooking, so that's a little bit weird, because my parents are always angry, cause my mum love cooking for dinner and breakfast like my dad and they will always wake me up so early with their screamings. I will text you on Sunday, how early they will wake me up.

Bye, (twoje imię)!

Jakby był jakiś błąd, to bardzo przepraszam, ale chodze dopiero do 5klasy (Starałam się napisać jak najbardziej zrozumiale i jak najwięcej)