
Napisz e-mail do kuzyna z Anglii, w którym opowiadasz mu o swoim najlepszym przyjacielu:
- Opisz jej/jego wygląd zewnętrzny i styl ubierania
- Opowiedz o jej/jego hobby
- Napisz jak spędzacie czas razem
około 80-10 słów praca musi mieć wstęp Hi_____! minimum 2 zdania do każdego myślnika można zacząć Thank you for your last e-mail. 8 klasa 1 dział fajnie jakby były wyszukane słowa ale mniej więcej takie jakie ósmoklasista zna jak coś to dużo punktów to warto. DAJE NAJ, bezsensowne odpowiedzi usuwam.

Odpowiedź :


Hey, this is Jacek, greetings from Poland! Have you heard about my destination Darek? Probably not! Let me tell you about it! Darek is 170cm tall, has long black curly hair and sharp features, loves his blue leather jacket which he always carries with him. Darek is tanned after his vacation in Greece. Every weekend together with Darek we go to the cinema together for some scary movie, recently we've been to such a scary movie that together we decided that it was the end of terrible weekends. Together with Darek, we often visit the park and take roller skating classes, Darek loves roller-skating every Friday, it gives him great joy. He was recently birthday so I bought him some skates. If you only saw his delight ...

Thank you for your e-mail, have a great day!