5 **Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 1-4. Wybierz literę: A, B albo C. 17 Do you like challenges? Mike Boyd does ! 2015, he's made videos where he learns new skills in just a few days. One of his most popular videos is learning to ride a backwards brain bicycle - it has handlebars that go the opposite way than usual! Have you?ridden a bicycle like that? It's extremely difficult. I'm watching his video now, and he's got on the bicycle. He hasn't fallen off"___, but he will in a few seconds! It's almost impossible to ride at first, but he learnt to do it in four days. Watch the video online - it'll make you laugh! IN of I Ain B for B yet 2 A ever 3 A never 4 A down ( since C soon (for ( since B just B yet