4 In pairs or as a group, discuss the questions. • Have you ever been to the theatre? What play did you see? • Have you taken part in a school play? Were you involved in the production or were you a member of the audience? • Did you or another actor shine in a role or forget a line? PILNE ​

Odpowiedź :


1. Have you ever been to the theatre?/Byłeś/łaś kiedykolwiek w teatrze?

Yes, I have been to a theatre/No I haven't been to a theatre

Tak, byłam/łem w teatrze. Nie, nie byłam/łem w teatrze.

  What play did you see? Co tam obejrzałeś/łaś?

The first one I can remember is going to a theatre to see "Zemsta". I think it was really funny and I laughed a lot with my friend.

2. Have you taken part in a school play? Czy kiedykolwiek brałeś/łaś udział w apelu (? coś takiego jak apel itp)

Yes, I have taken part in a school play/No I haven't taken part in a school play

Tak, brałem/łam udział w szkolnym apelu/Nie, nie brałem/łam udziału w szkolnym apelu

  Were you involved in the production or were you a member of the audience? Czy byłeś/łaś zaangażowany/na w produkcji czy byłeś/łaś członkiem widowni?

I have been involved in the production, I took part in a school play about the day of independence./I was a member of the audience because I don't like people looking at me. (możesz skończyć na "I was a member of the audience)

3. Did you or another actor shine in a role or forget a line? Czy ty albo inny aktor zabłysnęliście w swojej roli albo czy ktsś (lub ty) zapomniał tekstu?

One time, when I was watching a school play I saw a girl that was really amazing at her role, she played in a school play about Christmas day.

To zadanie powinno być zrobione w grupach i raczej na swoich indywidualnych doświadczeniach, więc tylko to mi mogło przyjść do głowy. Mam nadzieję, że chociaż trochę pomogłam.