prosze o pomoc z napisaniem

My city is called ___1__, it is located in this country; __2___. __1___ is in a rain forest. There are lots of exotic animals in ___1__. It is a great place to visit, because there are beautiful plants and trees. The food in __1__ is very good, and there are a lot of different drinks and types of foods you can buy in restaurants. There is only sand, and no dirt in my city. The ground is very clean, and there is no trash. The rain forest in which __1___ is located in, is also close to a pretty beach. You can buy souvenirs on the beach, for example, beautiful sea shells and postcards. I hope you enjoy visiting ___1___.
Tam gdzie sa 1 wypelnij z nazwa twojego wymyslonego miasta. Na 2 powiedz w jakim kraju, albo wymyslonej planecie jest.