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This is my friend Steve. We met when I visited my grandparents 3 years ago, since then we immediately became a really good mates. He is 16 years old. He lives with his parents and sister in Canada. He's parents are really kind people. He's sister is 14 and is also really nice to me but Steve and her argue a lot about stupid things. He also has a dog named Corey.

He loves to play hockey and likes to go on a long walks with his dog. One of his favorite things to do are going out with his friends and playing video games. When we met for the first time we played games for 4 hours or more. I also happened to meet some of his friends from school. Steve told them about some adventures we had and that made them want to meet me as soon as possible.

Steve is tall. He has short brown hair and green eyes. He is athletic and skinny. He is clumsy but that doesn't bother me at all because I am too. He wears glasses and I think he looks really good in them. To be honest a lot of people say that he is very handsome. I think they are not wrong but his character is more important to me. He is kind, helpful and caring. He always makes sure I am in a good mood and when I am not he always cheers me up. He is an amazing friend.