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You'll never believe what happened. While I was walking around town, I decided to enter a clothing store, as the mannekins had really nice clothing displayed, while I was looking through the clothes, I saw a boy, he kept looking around, like he was stressed, or looking for somebody. It creeped me out, so I decided to go away and look at different clothes. A while later, when I was trying on some clothes, the alarm went off, I quickly changed to my clothes and rushed to see what happened. To my suprise, I saw the same boy that was looking around all of the time run out of the store with a hoodie in his hand, I saw a shop assistant call the police, and the manager went after him. Soon after the police arrived, which forced the boy to surrender. I was really stressed, I didn't know what to do, but in the end I decided that I'll stay where I am so I won't create another problem. In my opinion, the boy should have a punishment, as he stole and ran away. If the police arrived a few minutes later, he would have escaped with the hoodie.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :))
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :))