Wczoraj okradziono twój garaż. Widziałeś osobę którą podejrzewasz o dokonanie tego. Napisz ogłoszenie do lokalnej gazety.
W ogłoszeniu
opisz miejsce zdarzenia i skradzione przedmioty;
opisz podejrzaną osobę;
poproś o pomoc w odnalezieniu rzeczy oraz o kontakt z policją
Attention everyone!
There was a thief in our garage yesterday.​​

Odpowiedź :



Attention everyone!

There was a thief in our garage yesterday.

He looked like a chilling hoodlum with big ears and eyes protruding well beyond the line connecting his eye sockets to his cheeks. Such physiognomy makes the appearance of this individual as repulsive as it is frightening. His ears were protruding in an extremely conspicuous manner.  

The place of the crime which he committed was a garage a short distance from my house, which in turn is located near the bar U HENIA. The garage itself is orange, and it's the only one with this noble colour, so it's impossible to mistake it for the colourless and indistinct neighbouring garages.  

The items that have changed hands of their own accord, or if you prefer, have been abducted, are a hammer, a carpenter's hammer, pliers and two tweezers.  

I would ask anyone who would like to help me find this drastically dangerous type, to contact me. The best way is to call me on 1111111111111 between 5pm and 5.30pm every day. I look forward to hearing from a kind and informed person who is willing to help me.  

Remember, your reward will not pass you by and my generosity is known.  
