Odpowiedź :
Zadanie 3:
-Name: Outdoor Secrets
-Date : Friday 13th November 2021 -Place : Wystarczy wymyślić swoje miasto np. Londyn
-Annual events : workshops , a greeting performance , food stalls
-Special attractions this year : a trained white hawk
Zadanie 4:
Imię w mailu oczywiście można sobie zmienić co się chce.
Hey Emilia!
Guess what! A new upcoming outdoor party will be held in our city at 5PM on Friday 13th next month(Można zmienić date na dosłowną czyli 13th November 2021). I'm sure there will be a lot of people like last year!
The workshops include a lot of new stuff but still kept the old program of activities and food stalls with traditional food. One of the most exciting and unusual attractions this year will be the show in which you will see a trained white hawk! I'm pretty sure the schedule will let us see it. The event has a tradition of a greeting performance to welcome the guests and workers.
We will start by going to the food stalls first like everyone else. After we are done we can go see the hawk and attend a lot of different activities that start after! I hope that I'll see you there.