Zadanie X (0-5) Przeczytaj poniższy list, z którego usunięto 5 zdań. Przyporządkuj lukom (1-5) zdania (A-F), tak aby tekst był spójny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Dear Mum, Thanks for the money you sent me yesterday. I'm having a really good time here at the camp. (1. ...) There are six of us sleeping in each one. The weather is fine. We go swimming every day. (2. ...) Some people even borrow boats and go sailing. . As for food, I'm not hungry but I miss your dinners. The girls make breakfast and the boys prepare sandwiches in the evening. (3. ...) It's usually OK but not as good as at home. In the evening, we usually sit by the fire and talk or sing. (4. ...) Sometimes, we have a disco. We are leaving on Friday afterf breakfast. The bus will take us to the railway station. (5. ...) Will you come to the station to meet me? Love XXX Paul a i in tin A. From there, we'll catch a train. B. There is a nice lake near our camp. C. The weather is not very good. D. Dinner is the only meal which we eat in a canteen. E. Some of us have got guitars and play them. F. The tents are quite big.​

Zadanie X 05 Przeczytaj Poniższy List Z Którego Usunięto 5 Zdań Przyporządkuj Lukom 15 Zdania AF Tak Aby Tekst Był Spójny I Logiczny Jedno Zdanie Podane Zostało class=