Czy dobrze napisałam tego meila po angielsku? chodzi mi o gramatykę(akapity itp ogarnę sama) w emailu miałam napisać że okoliczne lasy w Fedrington Beach mają być przekształcone w wysypisko.
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*przedstaw możliwe skutki
*zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writting to complain about the plan to to cut down the trees in the forest around Fedrington Beach.
Recently a lot of trees already been cut. In my opinion it's a huge problem because trees protect the environment against the effects of climate change.
If more trees are cut down, there will be more air pollution and won't be a place for wild animals or any places to spend free time outdoors.
I want to suggest a better solution to renew recycling bins , segregation garbage and give it a second life to clean up the environment.I look foround to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully

Odpowiedź :

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the plan of cutting down the trees in the forest around Fedrington Beach.

Recently a lot of trees have been cut down in this area. In my opinion it's a huge problem because trees protect the environment from effects of the climate change. If more trees are cut down, the air will be more polluted and as a result wild animals won't have any of their natural habitat left to live in, also there will be close to no places to spend free time outdoors.

I would like to suggest a better solution to this problem. In my opinion we should use recycling bins, segregate our rubbish and give the Fedrington Beach a second chance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,



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