Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS.

1 It's snowing really heavilly - i dont want to be _____ high on the mountain! STRAND
2 Some people lost a lot of money in the _____ crisis in 2008. FINANCE
3 I've been trying to call my girlfriend, but her phone in constantly _______ ENGAGE
4 The number of _____ in this election was higher than in the last one. VOTE
5 _____ half (52%) of car accidents happen within five miles of home. APPROXIMATE
6 Only a small _______ of people walk to work every day. MINOR
7 The world's population is ______ every year. INCREASE

Odpowiedź :

1. It's snowing really heavily - i don't want to be stranded high on the mountain!

2. Some people lost a lot of money in the financial crisis in 2008.  

3. I've been trying to call my girlfriend, but her phone in constantly disengaging.

4. The number of votes in this election was higher than in the last one.

5. Approximately half (52%) of car accidents happen within five miles of home.  

6. Only a small minority of people walk to work every day.

7. The world's population is increasing every year.


W tym zadaniu tworzyliśmy wyrazy poprzez dodanie suffixów (ang. Suffixes). Dodanie suffixu na końcu wyrazu zmienia jego znaczenie. A oto lista najpopularniejszych suffixów, które dodajemy do rzeczowników:

  • -ence;
  • -ment;
  • -ness;
  • -ity;
  • -y.

Zaś to jest lista najpopularniejszych suffixów, które dodajemy do przymiotników:

  • -able;
  • -ful;
  • -ible;
  • -ic;
  • -ish;
  • -ive;
  • -less.

O to schemat przemian:

  • czasownik ➜ rzeczownik (differ ⮫ difference);
  • przymiotnik ➜ rzeczownik (tired ⮫ tiredness);
  • czasownik ➜ przymiotnik (access ⮫ accessible);
  • rzeczownik ➜ przymiotnik (fool ⮫ foolish);

Warto pamiętać także o wyjątkach w pisowni, np:

  • happy ➜ happiness;
  • energy ➜ energetic.

