Zad 6 i 7pomocy i szybko 60 pkt za poprawną odpowiedź i naj ALE SZYBKO PLS to present contious

Zad 6 I 7pomocy I Szybko 60 Pkt Za Poprawną Odpowiedź I Naj ALE SZYBKO PLS To Present Contious class=

Odpowiedź :



Where is your friend Mike staying now?

What does he says?

What does Mike want?

What is Mike painting at the moment?

Who is helping him?

What are they thinking about ( their progress)?

When are you/ am I seeing them? ( zależy od podmiotu)

What Chris is looking for?

Who Chris works as?

What does Chris needs



daily routines

I wake up in the morning every 4 AM

After that i always eat breakfast


Train arrives at 4PM

My students will be coming by bus, because school starts at 8AM

scientific truths

3rd law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system at absolute zero is a well-defined constant

Newton's first law states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line,it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.

Present continous:

temporary activities

Mark is working out from 6Am to 8AM

Susan is helping at local restaurant

activities going on ATM:

This pump is pumping 1600 cubic meters of water per minute at the moment

Mark is playing Magic The Gathering now


powodzenia w udowodnieniu, że to ty to napisałeś/łaś heh.