Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1-3 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą: A, B albo C. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. 1 Both texts are about A a boat trip. B the fastest way to reach your destination, C an expensive means of transport. The journey only takes about forty minutes, but you have to arrive one hour earlier. The port is very busy and there is usually a long queue to passport control. I know the tunnel is faster and cheaper, but the trip is a great experience, especially for kids who don't usually travel by boat. It's definitely the easiest way to get from the airport to the hotel. There are buses, but they are hot and very often late. This is a much better option, even if it is expensive. Ask the driver how much it will cost before you get in. Some drivers double the price when they see you are a tourist. It should cost around $25. C 2 This text is A a description. B an invitation. C an advert 70 The trip takes you through the mountains, which are beautiful in autumn. The road is quite narrow, but for riders with a lot of experience it is great fun. You don't meet many cars, and lorries are not allowed on the road, so it's really empty. A few riders remove their helmets, but be careful because the road can be dangerous in some places. an 3 When you're on board, you can't A eat or drink. B buy a timetable. C use free wifi. The trip only takes two hours and takes you to the very centre of the city. It's a very comfortable journey, you can buy drinks and snacks on board, and there is free wifi. Don't forget to buy a timetable at the tourist information centre. Make sure you check the timetable carefully, though, because there are a lot of changes to services during the holidays.​