Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań sa agodne z jego treicia (T). a które nie (F). I'm now in Istanbul. The journey from Athens was slow - two days on a ferry. I didn't have a room. I slept outside with about twenty other people. Luckily didn't rain. The temperature was very pleasant at night but the days were too hot and there was nothing to do on the boat. We stopped at a few islands but I didn't get off - I was worried about missing the ferry. Istanbul's huge. I can't believe how noisy it is. There are cars everywhere. I'm staying in a hostel. It's not very nice but there are some great people here. They've told me what to do, what places to visit and where to eat. Last night, I went to restaurant with two Australians, Andrew and Liz. They were very friendly and wanted to go dancing after the meal but I was too tired after the journey. They're still asleep so I don't know what time they got back this morning. While Craig was on the ferry the weather was hot and dry. 2 Craig likes the hostel very much. 3 Craig didn't go dancing with Andrew and Liz. Craig's journey

Przeczytaj Poniższy Tekst Zdecyduj Które Z Podanych Zdań Sa Agodne Z Jego Treicia T A Które Nie F Im Now In Istanbul The Journey From Athens Was Slow Two Days O class=