REKORDY 1. The tallest animal is ... 2. The biggest animal is 3. The longest river in the world is 4. The coldest place on Earth is........ 5. The biggest country in Europe is 6. The most polluted city in Poland is 7. The biggest continent is ...... 8. The fastest animal is .....(stopniowanie przymiotników)​

Odpowiedź :



1. The tallest animal is giraffe (żyrafa)

2. The biggest animal is blue whale (płetwal błękitny)

3. The longest river in the world is Nile (Nil)

4. The coldest place on Earth is Rusia (Rosja)

5. The biggest country in Europe is Rusia (Rosja)

6. The most polluted city in Poland is Nowy Targ

7. The biggest continent is Asia (Azja)

8. The fastest animal is cheetah (gepard)