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Odpowiedź :

(obrazek 2)
On the picture, there is a boy who looks like he is hurt from playing football. He must have fallen over or tripped and hurt his arm.

1. Yes, I have. Once, I won a trophy and a medal for playing in a football game with my team. When I won it i felt so proud of myself, I tried really hard and my hard work really payed off. (bardziej zaawansowane➡️) I also felt like i’d accomplished something big, because my team said i played like a real footballer.

2. People can run marathons for many reasons. For example, they can do it to raise money for people in need and charities. Or, they can do it to practice sport and be active, and some just do it for fun. There can be many reasons someone might want to run a marathon.

3. For me it is quite easy to lose, because i can understand that just because i didn’t win this time, it doesn’t mean i won’t next time. Like if i lose a game in the sport i play, i make sure to pay attention to any feedback i receive and work on my techniques to make my chances of winning higher next time.