a)po angielsku
- Zaproponuj swoją pomoc
Hi! I heard that you have health problems, maybe I could help you?
- Poradź co powinien zrobić
In my opinion, you should go to the doctor and ask for medication at the pharmacy.
- Życz mu szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia
I wish you to recover as soon as possible.
- podasz jak długo byłeś nieobecny
Hello, I am looking for a tutor
for my turtle, in my absence, I will be away for a week.
- wyjaśnisz jakiej osoby szukasz
I am looking for a person who would be able to take care of a turtle and have experience in caring for domestic animals.
- podasz zakres obowiązków opiekuna
It will be the duty of the caregiver to drug him with a special feed that will be on the sideboard. Watching if it does not come out of its container.
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