Pomoże ktoś z angielskim plissss?

Proszę bardzo :)) liczę na naj, i pozdro !
zad 1
2. You sometimes watch football on TV.
3. He hardly ever goes swimming.
4. We always make a plan.
5. They usually go to the cinema.
6. She often does aerobics.
7. My mum has a pizza three times a week.
8. My friend makes lunch everyday.
Max does sport once a month.
I sometimes do sport.
My dad takes the dog for a walk four times a week.
We visit my grandparents two times a month.
Sam goes to the cinema on Saturdays.
I always have a bath.
..? You hardly ever tidy it!
zad. 3
xx - never, x - hardly ever, - sometimes, v - often, vv - usually, & - always
a w zadaniu na dole możesz wpisać co chcesz, np.
me - V, my partner : -
me - x, my partner - xx
me - vv, my partner - &
itp, po prostu tam wpisuj pierwsze lepsze znaczki z zadania na górze :)