Na swoim blogu chcesz opowiedzieć o wyjątkowym dniu, święcie lub festiwalu obchodzonym w Polsce. Przeczytaj poniższe punkty i napisz post na swoim blogu:
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Post ma się składać od 80 do 130 słów. Mogą to być Wasze urodziny, Walentynki, Święta Wielkanocne czy Bożego Narodzenia itp.

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Hi everyone!
Today I want to tell you about a holiday that people celebrate in Poland.

Odpowiedź :


Hi everyone!

Today I want to tell you about a holiday that people celebrate in Poland.

It's called ,,boże narodzenie" which is christmas in polish. It's a day when Jezus Christ was born, It's one of the most importand days of the year It's celebrated on 25th december (jeżeli się pomysliłam poprostu zmień 25 na 24 lub 26 bo nie pamiętam) every year. It's usually celebrated at home with family, because it's a tradition.

The holiday begins around midnight when the first star appears on the sky, the people dress up in fancy/smart/nice clothes and then the family goes to sit a fancy dinner called wigilia bożego narodzenia with 12 meals on it, but before that they start praying before they eat, but they also share a white wafer, which is one of the most famous tradition and is basicly wishing the other person good things and sharing a white wafer.

The last time I celebrated it nothing interesting happened, but I did get a really cool gift, a smartphone I'm very grateful for getting it but I still had a great time!

I love Christmas because I can spend time with my family, eat delicious food and have a wonderful time!


Wyjaśnienie: powinnaś mieć dobrą ocenę, znam angielski na poziomie B2/C1