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Hi James!

     Recently I watched a brilliant movie called "Django" by Quentin Tarantino. I recommend you to watch it. There is a great cast there, including Samuel L. Jackson, Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx as the title character of Django. In the beginning, the main character was supposed to be played by Will Smith, but finally Jamie Foxx was perfect for this role.

     I think this movie perfectly reflects the life of dark-skinned people at that time. Despite quite drastic and bloody scenes, the whole thing maintains its level. Stunning action scenes and custom shots make the whole thing even more special. This is a typical great Quentin Tarantino movie.

     There was an outstanding scene where the actor ( Leonardo DiCaprio) hit the table with his hand and, hitting the glass which really hurt him, he continued to play his part. Still in the same shot with a bloodied hand as a bad character he grabbed one of the slave actresses by the face and even wiped the blood on her and you could see her current disgust and fear for something that was not in the script.

I hope you will like this movie too. See you soon