Niedawno napisała do ciebie twoja koleżanka Sophie. Przeczytaj fragment
jej wiadomości poniżej i napisz swoją odpowiedź. W swoim e-mailu:
opisz ostatnio odwiedzone przez ciebie miejsce,
napisz, co można tam robić,
przekaż Sophie wskazówki dotyczące nakazów i zakazów obowiązujących w tym miejscu,
napisz, co najbardziej ci się spodobało i dlaczego.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.

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From: Sophie
Have you been to an interesting museum or gallery recently – or maybe an exhibition? I’m looking for somewhere to take my cousin. She’s staying with us for a week. Tell me where you went and what it was like.

Rozpocznij od :

To: Sophie
Hi Sophie,
Thanks for the email.

Odpowiedź :


Hi Sophie,

thanks for the e-mail

The most interesting museum i have ever been to is New York Grand Museum. It's a place with a lot of space, where u can spend whole day. There are many wonderful monuments, besides there are special areas with interactive, huge screens, where the visitors may discover history in other, more interesting way than usual. I think this was the thing I was mostly delighted about, because - thankfully to interactive screens - you could feel like you were in ancient ruins, ship wrecks, etc. You must check it out by yourself!

Nevertheless, you have to remember about few rules while being at the museum. The most important of them prohibit having any food with you, what's more you can't smoke there. However, i think it is a place fully needed to be seen by everyone.

