Parafraza 8. E wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij luki tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie.

8.1. Lydia wanted to start doing a new sport. She chose boxing. Lydia wanted to a new sport. She chose boxing TAKE
8.2. Guess what? I got first place in the snowboarding competition! Guess what? I got a in the snowboarding competition! GOLD
8.3. Call an ambulance. I think he's having a heart attack. SERVICES Call . I think he's having a heart attack.​SERVICES

Odpowiedź :


8.1 Lydia wanted to take up a new sport. She chose boxing.

8.2 Guess what? I got a gold medal in the snowboarding competition

8.3 Call emergency services I think he's having a heart attack

Lydia wanted to take a new sport.
Guess what? I got a gold in the snowboard competition!
Call services. I think he’s having a heart attack.

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