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computer engineers, newsreaders, writers, composer, musicians, comedians, editors, director, make-up artists, fasion designers

Do you want to be on TV? We all recognize the faces of the (1) who tell us what's happening in the world and the (2) who make us laugh. But the truth is, most jobs in the media are behind the scenes. A TV programme often has a script, so it needs (3) to think of the material, and (4) to check it and make sure there are no mistakes. There is usually a theme tune. A (5) writes the music, then (6) are employed to record it. To provide the stylish and beautiful celebrities we all recognize there are (7) to create and choose their clothes, and (8) to make sure their hair and faces are ready for the camera. The (9) tells everyone what to do, and works with cameramen, sound and (10) to make sure all the technical details are correct. nn you still want to be on TV? Remember there is more to it than meeting the eye. ​