Byłeś na wycieczce szkolnej .Opisz:
-najciekawsze miejsce jakie widziałeś podczas wycieczki

-jekke niebezpieczne wydarzenie miało miejsce podczas jej trwania
-czego nauczyło cię to wydarzenie

Nie musi być to długie po angielsku i na poziomie 8 klasy

Odpowiedź :

On my school trip, we went to a trampoline park. The most interesting thing there, was a obstacle course. Our class raced a lot of times, but I kept losing. I knew I would win later anyways.

And I was right! We decided to play dodgeball and split ourself into teams. Our team won. At the end of the game though, someone from our team threw three balls at the last person from the other team! That could have ended badly, and it did. All the balls hit his face! After a while, everything went back to normal. That trip learned me to never think, that winning is more important than friendship, cause it can end in something really unfortunate.