**Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty.

1 X: Excuse me. I've lost my pencil case.
X: It's blue and quite small.

2 X: Can I have a ticket to London, please?
Y: ______
X: A single, please

3 X: That's £9.50, please.
Y: _______
X: I'm afraid our card machine isn't working at the moment.

4 X: I need a calculator.________________________
Y:I'm afraid I can't. I'm using it at the moment.

5 X: There's a football match on Saturday___
Y: No, thanks. I'm going to the cinema on Satur 6 X: Excuse me, I think that I lost my notebook in café yesterday
Y: _________
X: At that table in the corner.​