2 Uzupełnij poniższy dialog określeniami z ramki. z some (x4) any (x3) a lot of (x2) much (x2) many a little a few Harry: Can you lend me some money? I really want to buy a new game for my console. Mark: How (1) much money do you need? Harry: I've got (2) but I need another ten euros. Mark: Sorry, I've only got three euros. Try asking Dan. Harry: I have. He hasn't got (3) money! I think I'll do (4) homework instead. Mark: Me too. Have we got (5) homework? Harry: No, we've only got (6) homework, so it won't take long. Mark: Have you got (7) food? I'm hungry. Harry: I've got (8) fruit and I've got (9) biscuits. Mark: How (10) fruit have you got? Harry: Just (11) strawberries. Mark: Oh. How (12) biscuits have you got? Have you got (13) chocolate ones? Harry: I've got (14) biscuits, and they're all different. 50