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W tym zadaniu musimy napisać wpis na bloga, w którym opiszemy spotkanie z celebrytą.
Hi everyone!
Guess what? Yesterday, I met Emma Watson!
I was dining in a restaurant with my family when I saw her. She was also eating dinner there. I came up to her, and we talked a little bit. She told me about her new movie and I can't wait to watch it.
Emma Watson is a great person. She is so nice and funny. I also love all her films. I took a photo with her. You can see it below!
Have you ever met someone famous? Let me know in the comments!
Jak napisać wpis na bloga w języku angielskim?
- Przeczytaj polecenie i zastanów się, co chcesz napisać.
- Opisz każdy z punktów przynajmniej w dwóch zdaniach.
- Postaraj się użyć ciekawego słownictwa.
- Zakończ wpis pytaniem do swoich odbiorców.