Napisz list do kolegi w którym wołasz go zwiedzić stronę internetowa twojej szkoly • napisz o jakich sportach jest tam informacja • napisz jaka informacje dla niego rekomendujesz wziasc moga to byc zdjęcia jakie najbardziej pasowałyby do przedstawienia

Odpowiedź :


Hello Anthony,

How are you ?

Recently we have included an interesting information on the website of my school. Please visit the website. You can find there news on sport activities, our school has been involved in. THere is something about tennis, football and basketball. I recommend you to have a look at the photos from our matches. We are going to prepare the performance about our best sportmen. You must come to us to see. It will take place next month on the 4th March 2022., I will let you know about the details in next letter.

See you soon



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