sce 4 Wykonaj zadanie w sekcji Skills Booster. Skills Booster visit eces Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Dopasuj zdania A-E do luk 1-4 tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo. My diary Last summer I decided to keep a diary. (1) I was super stressed before every date but my sister always helped me pick my clothes and paid me compliments. (2) My diary was always in my pocket, and I had plenty of great stories to write about. One day I told my sister I wanted to get married to Tamara in the future. She was the only person in the family I confessed this to. (3)_ _Right now I'm writing a second diary and I sometimes read the fragments about my first meeting with Tamara. (4) Thaven't proposed to her yet. I will do it this year for sure. en A She's always laughing about how nervous I was. B Thanks to her, I didn't look scruffy. C She promised to keep it a secret. D That day was sunny and warm. E Soon after that I met Tamara, who I fell in love with 1.​

Sce 4 Wykonaj Zadanie W Sekcji Skills Booster Skills Booster Visit Eces Przeczytaj Tekst Z Którego Usunięto Cztery Zdania Dopasuj Zdania AE Do Luk 14 Tak Aby Ot class=