A. Complete the

well done – assign – double check – notepad – prepare

1 Before you leave the table, repeat the entire order to……………………

2 Most of the servers keep a……………………to remember the orders.

3 My mom cooks the meat for a long time because we like it……………………

4 In the pivot point system, they……………………each seat at a table number.

5 How long will it take to……………………the meal.


B. Circle the correct answer.

1 Did you decide what will you have / you will have?

2 So, you are starting with soup, aren’t you / are you?

3 The pivot point system helps customers to remember/ remember customers’ orders.

4 Chris started with the stuffed mushrooms and moved in / on to the steak.

5 The article is about how to know what a customer will order / will a customer order.

C. Correct the mistakes

1 I will like my steak medium, please.

2 It will be ready on a few minutes.

3 Alex cooked the meat since a long time.

4 They ask customers about how food should be preparing.

5 Would you like nothing to drink?​

Odpowiedź :

A. 1. double check

2. notepad

3.  well done

4. assign

5. prepare

B. 1. will have


3. remember customer's orders

4. on

5. a customer will order

C. 1. I'd like my steak medium, please.

2. It will be ready in a few minutes.

3. Alex cooked the meat a long time ago. (nie jestem pewna o to zdanie)

4. They ask customers how the food should be prepared.

5. Would you like anything to drink?