apricot jam
curry paste - minced beef mixture -
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Bobotie is one of the national dishes of South Africa. It's a mixture
of European and Indonesian flavours. It's a spicy and sweet mear
, and an egg and milk topping. To make this dish you need bra
minced beef
, onions, eggs, milk, almonds, curry paste and aprico
the bread into small pieces and put it into a bowl with milk. Chop
and fry them in a frying pan. Then add the minced beef and cook
minutes. Add the curry paste and the apricot jam. Add the bread and the almonds. Sometim
also add apples and dried fruit. Put everything into a big dish. Mix the milk and the eggs toc
pour this over the mince. Bake it in the oven for about forty minutes. Serve it with rice and ac
1 Which of these ingredients is NOT in bobotie:
milk, curry paste, onions, chillies, minced beef.
3 How long does it take to bake bob
in the oven?