Zadanie w załączniku, a tu te zwroty z zadania 5
Pay attention of something
Do an online project
Learn something by hearth
Make sense of something
Work on i pro ing your skills
Have Access of something

Zadanie W Załączniku A Tu Te Zwroty Z Zadania 5Pay Attention Of SomethingDo An Online ProjectLearn Something By HearthMake Sense Of SomethingWork On I Pro Ing Y class=

Odpowiedź :

1 In my English class we sometimes have to learn poems by heart and recite them for the class.

2 Please pay attention to the instructions – this exercise is tricky!

3 We may not have access to the Internet at this hotel, so I will read your emails when I come back home.

4 His story was so complicated, that I couldn't make sense of it.

5 You speak very well, but you must work on improving your writing skills.