Czy mógłby ktoś mi z tym pomóc?
Exercise 1:
Complete each sentence with the correct expression.

don't get
get results
got excited
get a gift
get to meet
got home
get everything done
go get
got these vegetables
get him to change
got engaged
gotta take

1. I ___________ really late after the party - you were already asleep.
2. When you _____________, you should thank the person who gave it to you.
3. My brother ____________ when he found out he'd won free tickets to a concert.
4. That TV show is really stupid. I ____________ why everyone likes it.
5. I heard you ____________ recently - congratulations! When's the wedding?
6. We have such a busy schedule that it's hard to ___________________.
7. He's very stubborn; once he decides to do something, no one can __________________ his mind.
8. What a mess. I'll ___________ some paper towels to clean it up.
9. You've been studying for six hours straight - you've _____________ a break!
10. I _______________ from a local farm.
11. The winner of this contest will ______________ their favorite movie stars in person!
12. This strategy is very effective, so I'm sure it will ________________.

Exercise 2:
Complete each sentence with the correct expression. Careful, two are not used!

get a load of
get in the groove
got on
get along with
get into
got out of
get around
got my act together
got over
get back
got off
got wind of

1. I was very disappointed that I wasn't accepted to that college, but I _____________ it.
2. After the accident, I ___________ the car to inspect the damage.
3. Here's a map to help you ____________ the amusement park.
4. I don't ______________ my roommate, so I'm looking to move out soon.
5. __________________ that TV - it's so big it wouldn't even fit in my living room!
6. I used to drink and do drugs, but I _______________ once I got married and had kids.
7. She's on a business trip; she'll _____________ tomorrow.
8. The employees are all worried about their jobs because they _______________ the fact that the company's not doing well.
9. We missed our stop, so we ____________ the train at the next one.
10. I don't do my best work in the morning, but late at night I can really ________________.