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Hello everyone,
I'm in Tokyo on a cooking holiday. I'm sitting in the super cat cafe right now which is really cute, cats are everywhere! Soon we are going to visit the National Museum, it is said that it is a really intriguing place.
Yesterday we were in the famous Edo Castle, these are the remains of the 15th century castle which is located in Tokyo's Chiyoda district. The whole thing is located in the area of ​​the present Imperial Palace, next to which there are also the Eastern Gardens of the Imperial Palace. The Gardens themselves are incredibly beautiful, I highly recommend this place, you must visit it when visiting the capital of the Land of the Rising Sun. After sightseeing, we had traditional sushi, which I really liked, it was very carefully prepared, it looked amazing and tasted the same!
I hope to try some more traditional ramen. I also saw interesting looking Okonomiyaki, I would like to try them, they are pancakes or omelets with cabbage, meat or fish, it sounds interesting!​