LIST PO ANGIELSKU (daje 100pkt) plsss. Password Reset wb. 3/41
Na stronie internetowej fundacji Bridge the Generation Gap znalazłes ogłoszenie o wakacyjnej pracy dla wolontariuszy. Program polega na organizowaniu w domach spokjnej starosci na terenie wielkiej brytanii zajęć ruchowych i rozrywki, tak ważnych dla dobrego samopoczucia ludzi mieszkających w takich domach. Napisz list (200-250 słow) z prosba o podanie interesujacych cie szczegółów wolontariatu oraz z wyjasnieniem daczego jestes dobrym kandydatem do udziału w programie.

Odpowiedź :


hello, I am writing to advertise Bridge the Generation Gap. I am very interested in this volunteer work. I think I will be a good candidate because I like to help others and I have a lot of interesting things in store. I once took part in such work during the summer holidays and have fond memories of it .I would organise a bingo game and a bowling game outside. there would be free swimming lessons especially for ladies. and for men, a spa salon. and now the most important question ... will all people be able to participate in these activities, if not because of the rash we can also do a cafe outside with coffee, tea and cakes, it's not a problem but we will still have to find out if anyone is allergic to something :) I just want to know how many people are going to participate and what your time requirements are .I am free between 9am and 7pm for 4 weeks. and I'd be running these classes with my 2 friends. I count on your understanding

twoje imie **
