5 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Do każdej luki (1–4) dopasuj właściwe zdanie (A–E) tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


It’s 5 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon. Lindsay, Peter, Mandy and Tom are just sitting down to some serious revision. (1) ____ Their books and notebooks are lying all around them. They always study together before tests. Each of them is good at different subjects and can help the others revise better. The idea came from Mandy who was having quite a lot of trouble with French last year. She needed someone to help her go through the material. (2) ____ They both decided it was a good idea and asked Tom and Lindsay to join them to study other subjects together. Tom’s really good at IT while Lindsay is the best in their class at science. Studying in a group wasn’t easy at first. Sometimes they wasted a lot of time chatting. (3) ____ Now when they study, they don’t waste their time. When they want to have fun, they just go out together. What do the students themselves think about their idea? (4) ____ ‘When I studied alone, it was difficult to concentrate. It’s much easier in a group. Especially, when the subject isn’t one I’m interested in.’ The others totally agree with her opinion.

A Peter agreed to help her and she soon made good progress.

B ‘It worked perfectly for me’, says Lindsay.

C It took them quite a while to work out some discipline during their meetings.

D They often email each other to share their notes.

E They’re going to study for their science test on Friday. PROSZE PILNIE O POMOC PLIS MAM SPR