5 Przeczytaj poniższy zapis fragmentu nagrania numer 2 z ćwiczenia 4. Znajdź w nim słowa oznaczające:
1 bankomat (3 nazwy) -
2 rachunek / konto -
3 oddział banku -
* Customer: I put my card in the cash machine to get money out, but it didn't give me any cash and then it disappeared!
* Bank clerk: Ah, the ATM has taken your debit card?
* Customer: Yes, I don't know why. I've always had my account in this branch of the bank and I always use that cashpoint. It's never happened before.​

Odpowiedź :

bankomat - cash machine, ATM,

rachunek / konto - account

oddział banku - branch of the bank


1 bankomat - cash machine, ATM, cashpoint

2 rachunek/ konto - account

3 oddział banku - branch of bank

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