Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań w nawiasach.
1. Our teacher is very (surowy) __________________________________ .
2. I try to (rozwiązywać swoje problemy) _____________________________________ every day.
3. Our English teacher (zawsze sprawdza obecność) _______________________________ .
4. My students (nigdy nie rywalizują) _____________________________________ with each other. 5. We are not allowed to (używać swoich kalkulatorów) ________________________________
during our tests.
6. Sheila (była nieobecna) ___________________________________ yesterday.
7. Do you (często uczysz się na pamięć) _____________________________________ ?
8. Are you (dobry w) ________________________________________ English?
9. Matt hasn't (zdał swoje egzaminy) _________________________________________ so far.
10. Do you (lubisz czytać lektury szkolne) ___________________________________________ ?
11. I think that (noszenie mundurków szkolnych) _________________________________________
isn't a good idea.
12. Learning English is (obowiązkowe) ______________________________________________ . 13. Would you like to (wziąć udział w) ____________________________________________
tomorrow's football game?
14. I often (pożyczam książki) ______________________________________ from our library.
15. Do you always (zwracasz uwagę) ________________________________ to what your English
teacher says?

Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań w nawiasach.
1. While Tom (odrabiał swoją pracę domową) ________________________________ , Matt (powtarzał do testu) __________________________________ .
2. Do you have (trudności w nauce) ___________________________________ ?
3. I have never (opuściłem lekcji) ___________________________________ .
4. My teacher often (zadaje jakieś wypracowanie) ___________________________________ . 5. My son (nigdy nie uczy się pilnie) ________________________________________ .
6. Mr Smith is a very good (wykładowcą) ____________________ .
7. Sheila and Angela always (dobrze radzą sobie) ____________________ in their exams. 8. Has Tom (kiedykolwiek oszukiwał) ____________________ in all his exams?
9. You don't have to use this red pen. It's (opcjonalne) ____________________ .
10. Did you (złożyłeś) _____________________ in your presentation last Monday?
11. We often (pracujemy w) ____________________ groups.
12. My daughters, Angela and Julia, (ukończyły) ____________________ Warsaw University
last year .
13. I have just finished my (pracę pisemną) ____________________ 14. Their words (są takie motywujące) _______________________ . 15. Tina always learns (w ciszy) ______________________ .

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
canteen badly retake played heart physical foreign belong
cloakroom qualified
obligatory compete
dictionary revise
1. My son is very sad because he did _____________________ in the exam.
2. You should check this word in your _____________________ .
3. I have to learn these words by ________________________ .
4. Justin passed his final exams so he doesn't have to _______________________ them. 5. Her favourite school subject is ________________________ education.
6. My daughter and her classmates _________________________ truant yesterday. 7. Do you think that learning _________________________ languages is useful?
8. You have to attend this lecture. It's ______________________________ .
9. Try not to ___________________________ with your classmates.
10. Mark speaks German and French. He is so _______________________________ . 11. You can eat lunch in the _______________________________ .
12. If you want to pass the test, you should _____________________________ more. 13. I would like to _________________________ to this club.
14. You can leave your coats in the ____________________________ .
15.Mrs William is a well-____________________ teacher. She has twenty years of experience

Odpowiedź :


1. Our teacher is very strict.

2. I try to solve my problems every day.

3. Our English Teacher always checks the attendance.

4. My students never compete with each other.

5. We are not allowed to use our calculators during our tests.

6. Sheila was absent.

7. Do you often learn something by heart?

8. Are you good at English?

9. Matt hasn't passed his exams so far.

10. Do you like reading set books?

11. I think that wearing school uniforms isn't a good idea.

12. Learning English is mandatory.

13. Would you like to participate in tomorrow's football game?

14. I often borrow books from our library.

15. Do you always pay attention to what your English teacher says?


1. When I was doing my homework, Matt was revising for the test.

2. Do you have difficulties in studying?

3. I have never missed a class.

4. My teacher often gives an essay for homework.

5. My son never studies diligently.

6. Mr Smith is a very good instructor.

7. Sheila and Angela always do well in their exams.

8. Has tom ever cheated in all his exams?

9. You don't have to use this red pen. It's optional.

10. Did you hand in your presentation last Monday?

11. We often work in groups.

12. My daughters, Angela and Julia, graduated the Warsaw University last year.

13. I have just finished my written assignment.

14. Their words are so motivating.

15. Tine always learns in silence.


1. My son is very sad because he did badly in the exam.

2. You should check this word in your dictionary.

3. I have to learn these words by heart.

4. Justin passed his final exams so he doesn't have to retake them.

5. Her favorite school subject is physical education.

6. My daughter and her classmates played truant yesterday.

7. Do you think that learning foreign languages is useful?

8. You have to attend this lecture. It's obligatory.

9. Try not to compete with your classmates.

10. Mark speaks German and French. He is so talented.

11. You can eat lunch in the canteen.

12. If you want to pass the test, you should revise more.

13. I would like to belong to this club.

14. You can leave your coats in the cloakroom.

15. Mrs William is a well-qualified teacher. She has twenty years of experience.