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Hi Sofie!

Remember the last time I told you I want to start learning another language? I have started to study Spanish. I find it very interesting. I'm attending classes with two other people. At first we were learning about some basic stuff, colours, numbers, simple sentences. But recently we have started grammar and we are getting everything pretty fast for begginers! Our teacher is amazing. She tells us a lot of interesting facts about Spain. She also has her unique way of teaching us. After her classes everything she told us stays in my head. I don't just forget it. I'm very proud of myself that I'm motivated enough to learn another language. I hope to make use of it in the future. Maybe I could include it in my work application? Or who knows maybe I will go to Spain someday. Anyways, how are your courses going? I hope everything is going well. I'll be waiting for your reply.

Take care,