
1. Proponujesz grupie przyjaciół z Anglii wyjazd w polskie góry. W e-mailu do jednego z nich:

Hi John,
How about going on a trip to the mountains somewhere in Poland?

• napisz, dlaczego warto pojechać w polskie góry

• opisz osobę, która będzie się Wami opiekować podczas Waszego wyjazdu

• doradź, co powinni ze sobą zabrać, i uzasadnij dlaczego.

Minimum 100 wyrazów, min. 20 wyrazów do każdego podpunktu.

Daje naj!!!

Odpowiedź :

Hi John,

How about going on a trip to the mountains somewhere in Poland? You must know that after your question about spending some time out I was a bit confused. However, having sat at my dest I got a kind of a masterstroke while Polish mountains were crossing my mind whcih ended up in the concept I'm just presenting.

Polish mountains are beautiful and we'll all be overwhelmed by experiencing picturesque views  which undaubtedly will hapen if you decide getting there no later than this month.

I've already organised a caretaker who will protect and serve all the time. I hope you remember our last conversation about my aunt who had got lost in caves in Switzerland and had been looking the way out for days. She is the perfect candidate, I believe, as she's so funny and joyful. What's more she loves telling jokes all the time and is really friendly.

I guess we should take not too many things as we can buy everything there. So maybe it's enough to take a torch, blanket, two or three pairs of jeans, good shoes, a few pairs of sockets, T-shirts, sweaters, a charger, map, compass, mobile and walki-talkie just in case, as well as a helmet and rope, which might be necessary with my aunt. A tent could be useful as well. As you see most of the stuff is to keep warm and survive.

Let me know how much you love the idea

Your friend