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Place2Be is a British children’s charity. It was founded in London in 1994. Since then, it has grown from being a small, local project to a big organisation which has worked with over 600 schools in all parts of the United Kingdom. Place2Be specialises in helping children who have emotional and psychological problems which result from things like exam stress, bullying, or family trouble. The charity offers workshops where children from five to sixteen years of age can discuss their problems and get useful advice while doing interesting art projects.


Rainbow Trust is a British charity which helps families who have a child aged [Podział zawijania tekstu]from one day old to eighteen years old with a very serious illness. There are over 80,000 such children in the UK and this number grows every year. Rainbow Trust works with around 2,500 families in difficult situations. Its employees help families with cooking, cleaning, transport, organising visits to hospital, as well as taking care of other children in the family. It also offers psychological support at difficult moments in time. Everyone can make the organisation grow by making regular donations of money.


Potential Plus is an organisation which helps talented children, their families [Podział zawijania tekstu]and teachers. Founded over 40 years ago, it currently works with about 15,000 young people in Britain. Many children show unique abilities in foreign languages, maths, music and art. Unfortunately, [Podział zawijania tekstu]they often have problems at school: they are bored, bullied, they have few or no friends, and find it difficult to understand their teachers. Potential Plus helps them and their families by organising workshops where they meet other talented children and learn how to deal with their problems. The organisation also offers phone advice to parents and courses for teachers. It is funded by subscriptions from people who have joined it.

1 People from this organisation will help you if you call them. ___

2 This organisation helps families in need with everyday activities. ___

3 This organisation will help you if you are [Podział zawijania tekstu]a student who worries about exams. ___

4 This organisation has helped a lot of British schools. ___