Wpis na blogu j,angielski wkrótce zamierzasz wziąć udział w maratonie podziel się swoimi planami na blogu. 1Określ miejsce I czas zawodów 2 odpowiedź, kto i jak zachęcił cię do udziału 3 napisz jak planujesz przygotować się do maratonu 4poproś czytelników bloga aby ci kibicowali ,rozwiń wypowiedź z każdym z 4 punktów długość powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słow

Odpowiedź :


Recently, I got an offer to take part in a marathon, because I like running very much, I decided to do it.

this long marathon will be held in England 22.02.2022roku at 16.00

that he should take part in the marathon. My friend Lidia encouraged me because it has been running for a long time. I am saying that this is a great way to get away from reality For four months I have been practicing running intensively, which allows me to prepare for a long marathon, I often say that I do not want to anymore, but my motivation is that Lidia is still training intensively

I hope that you, as readers of my blog, will support me in this marathon

                                                                          see you later xyz


Marathon is coming!

Yes, I'm crazy about the idea of taking part in the Junior's marathon which is getting more and more famous in my town where it's been organised four times already. It is in a month since now, so I've decided to put some effort and be less lazy as usually I am. My friend who told me about it, promised to help me with running. I mean she's going to call me every day and remind that I should run. Yeah, she's not keen on sport but very helpful. Apart from running I aslo hope to be able to do some streching and maybe I will even go to a gym a few times, who knows.

I hope you'll support me and encourage to do at least as much as I've planned, or even more.

Any ideas what else I should do?