ktoś pomoże ? potrzebne są odpowiedzi na pytania

1. what's your favorite sport? what equment do you need to take part in this sport? descrite it
jaki jest twój ulubiony sport? jakiego sprzętu potrzebujesz, aby wziąć udział w tym sporcie? opisz to
2. what extrime sport would you like to try? why?
jakiego sportu ekstremalnego chciałbyś spróbować? Dlaczego?
3. what furniture have you got in your berdom?
jakie meble masz w swojej sypialni?
4. what's your dream job? why?descibre it
jaka jest twoja wymarzona praca? dlaczego? opisać to?
5. descibre on apperance of a famous person you like? whats is you idol ilke?
opisać wygląd sławnej osoby, którą lubisz? co to za idol ilke?
6. tell me about your best friend
opowiedz mi o swoim najlepszym przyjacielu
7. what is the worst natural disaster? why? give your own opinion
jaka jest najgorsza klęska żywiołowa? Dlaczego? wyraź swoją opinię
8. have you ever had an accident? what happeed? what did you do? or how did it end
czy miałeś kiedyś wypadek? co się stało? co zrobiłeś? czyli jak to się skończyło
9. have can we halp our planet? give at last two examples
czy możemy zatrzymać naszą planetę? podaj co najmniej dwa przykłady
10. how can we prevent water pollution? give at least three exmples
jak możemy zapobiegać zanieczyszczeniu wody? podaj co najmniej trzy przykłady​

Odpowiedź :


1. My favourite sport is boxing. In this sport i need boxing gloves, special bandages teeth protection, for practice punching bag and of course partner.
2. I would like to try diving because when I am underwater it seems to me that I am in a different world ( It is awesome)
3. a Desk, Bed, wardrobe, mirror, 2 sofas, Bookshelf
4. My dream job is having my own business. Why?? Because I like being independent.
5. I don't have one :(
6. My best friend is Dominika she is unpredictable and ambitious. I love her so much.
7. I was nothing to the person I loved. And I gave up cutting myself
8. Yes haha . I had an accident when I was 4. My family and I were on the Summer holiday in Egypt. I don't remember everything but we were riding in the taxi with a drunk driver ( we didn't know at first) and then we hit something. My dad had a broken arm, my mom was bleeding and I had a broken nose. We were in the hospital and It ended happily :))
9. Yes we can help our planet. For example, segregating garbage, using less plastic and of course burning less coal.
10. Yess of course!!  We can stop pour the sewage into the f.e river, try to prevent the ships from spilling oil, and don't litter.


hehhehe dlugo to pisalam :)