Napisz krótki tekst porównujący typowy dzień w twoim życiu do dnia astronauty na stacji kosmicznej. ​.

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My day on earth is a bit diffrent than astrounauts for example on ISS.
When I sleep on bed, astronaut sleeps in something similar to bed, but handled with straps. I'm usually at school, studying while astronaut research, control and sometimes photographes of space. Gravity doesnt affect him, so he has to workout everyday to keep his muscules prepared to return to earth. I, sit on PC, playing games with friends, sometimes workout to look good.

My day and their day are quite similar. We all sleep and then wake up, get dressed, get shower, eat breakfast. We are busy for some time during the day, but we also have free time. We eat lunch, dinner, supper. We do exercises. The difference is that I can easily get outside and they need some more preparation for it.