prosze o pomoc w zadaniu napisz przykład zdań z ang temat muj dzień 100słow

Odpowiedź :

I wake up to school at 6:30 a.m. and I'm doing my moring routine so I'm brushing my teeth, dressing up and packing my backpack. Next I'm eating breakfast, usually I eat milk with cereals or sandwich with ham and tomatoes. Before I leave the house I have to walk my dog for about 10 minutes. Almost always I start school at 8 a.m. so I have some time to talk with my friends. When all the lessons finishes I generally go with my best friend on a walk to talk about that day. As soon as I come to home I eat dinner and do my homework. Then I have some free time and at 11 p.m. I go to sleep.

126 słów

I wake up  at 6:30 a.m. and I do my morning routines such as brushing  teeth, dressing up and packing my backpack. Next I eat breakfast. It's usually milk with cereals or a sandwich with ham and tomatoes. Before I leave I have to walk my dog for about 10 minutes. Almost always I start school at 8 a.m. so leave at 7.30 so that I have some time to talk with my friends before classes. When all the lessons finish I generally go with my best friend for a walk to talk about what happened before. As soon as I come home I eat dinner and do my homework. Then I have some free time and at 11 p.m. I go to sleep.

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