Przeczytaj e-mail jeszcze
raz. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania.

1 What does Penny think of garter snakes?
Penny thinks garter snakes are interesting,

2 What kind of pet has Penny's brother got?
He's got

3 What unusual thing can Joe do?
Joe can

4 How does Joe catch his food?
He uses

5 What does Joe like doing in the garden?
He likes……. and …….

Przeczytaj Email Jeszcze Raz Uzupełnij Odpowiedzi Na Poniższe Pytania 1 What Does Penny Think Of Garter Snakes Penny Thinks Garter Snakes Are Interesting 2 Wha class=

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Przeczytaj e-mail jeszcze raz. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania.

1. What does Penny think of garter snakes?

  • Penny thinks that garter snakes are very interesting animals.

2. What kind of pet has Penny's brother got?

  • He's got a cat called Millie.

3. What unusual thing can Joe do?

  • Joe can change colour.

4. How does Joe catch his food?

  • He uses his very long tongue.

5. What does Joe like doing in the garden?

  • He likes climbing trees and hunting insects.

Słowniczek pojęć:

a garter snake - wąż pończosznik

unusual - niezwykły

insects hunting - polowanie na owady