PROSZĘ O ROZWIĄZANIE EMAIL PLS 1. Przywitaj się i zapytaj co słychać. (1-2 zdania) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...…………
2. Przeproś, że tak długo nie pisałeś/aś. (1-2 zdania)

Sorry I haven`t written for so long. I`m writing to tell you about my last school trip.

3. Napisz, dokąd pojechaliście i dlaczego wasz nauczyciel wybrał to miejsce(min 2 zdania)

We WENT to Warsaw. Our teacher likes this city. This is our capital city and there are a lot of inspiring monuments / sights.


4. Wyjaśnij co tam robiliście i zobaczyliście ( min. 2 zdania)


5. Opisz swoje wrażenia w wycieczki

( min. 2 zdania)


6. Wyraź nadzieję na spotkanie/odpowiedź. (1-2 zdania) ……………………………………………………………………………………

7. Pożegnaj się i podpisz. (1 zdanie)

Odpowiedź :

Hi Mercedes,

How are you?

Sorry I haven`t written for so long. I`m writing to tell you about my last school trip. We went to Cracow because our teacher has got his family there. In addition, he also wanted to visit his cousine by the way and show us the Royal Castle. While visiting it, we were overwhelmed by its size and beautiful interrior. We could feel the passed ages and the dignity of that place. We saw everything but what I liked most was armour.

I guess it was quite good trip. I enjoyed it mostly. I feel I've learnt a lot and I can understand some historical events better now. Even our coach was comfortable.

I hope to see you soon. What about this weekend?

I've got to go. Bye now
